Freedom? What is it?

Why must the world we live in be filled with corruption to the core? Why can't we live in a world where there is no such thing as corruption or at least corruption is present but the law is just? Or at least allow freedom of the press. After three semesters studying about communication and the media, frankly I am disappointed in the whole system but that is the nature of our world I suppose. But the realisation hit me after watching this particular documentary film "Di Balik Frequensi".

It is not a film with script or predetermined plot but it the truth. It is exactly how the truth shall be portrayed to the public. No censorship or hidden message ready to pounce on the audience. The message is clearly stated through out the film. It does not try to influence us based on any hidden ideology or hegemony but instead it makes us stop for a moment and think what we really want to do at the end of the film. The choice is up to the audience. We are not a passive viewer in this case.

The harsh truth of what the world really is like out there is still shocking to me despite watching the film two days back. The truth that those with power and money will always prevail cannot be denied throughout the whole film. They uses their power and wealth to the max to get the necessary outcome to support their cause. The way they play and manipulate people with sweet promises are indeed something to be amaze of. But the effects on those that receive them directly are indeed a sad sight; how one person or a community life can be ruined without any blatant thought just for their benefit to secure their hold on power and wealth.

At the end of the day, the question that still haunts me is "Will you become a journalist?" which I was asked by the director of the film, Ucu Agustin. Frankly, I still cannot hide the fact that I would like to experience working in a newsroom at least once but whether I can keep working in a world like this is something I have to ask my conscience. Hopefully by the end of the my four years course, I can provide a good answer that reflects the real me.

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